When it comes to keeping our cities and our planet clean, Pacific6 is investing in clean-energy technologies that will help communities become greener and developing relationships with companies pursuing innovative solutions to issues affecting our environment; both on land and in water. New project announcements will be made in the near future.

technology to convert municipal waste and plastics into hydrogen
Disposing of trash by Incineration or placement in landfills is environmentally-damaging and no longer socially-acceptable. But what if we could turn our waste into something valuable? Ways2H has exclusive licensed technology for systems that transform the world’s most difficult waste into hydrogen!, the world’s cleanest fuel. This unique patented technology is inherently efficient. It produces zero emissions and is carbon neutral. It can reliably produce a constant flow of Hydrogen for transportation, power generation, industrial energy and more, and it is scalable, with a modular system that will allow for decentralized waste management and local energy production.

Carb-approved solutions for reducing vessel emissions
As a port city, Long Beach has additional challenges in keeping our city green. With container ships anchoring off shore and entering our port everyday, new clean-air requirements are being put into place to reduce emissions from the massive engines that power the vessels and their generators. For companies with older ships that can’t or won’t retrofit their generators to run from electric shore power, Pacific6 is invested in technology that cleans emissions from vessel smoke-stacks. AMECS barge or dock-based systems provide port-wide capability to capture and remove airborne emissions from the diesel auxiliary engines and boilers of ocean-going vessels, at berth or at anchor. Approved by the California Air Resources Board, and with years of documented testing, the AMECS system stands as the premier alternative to shore power.